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2020-04-07 18:50:51 作者: 



The 12th CEA (Europe) and 31st CEA (UK) ANNUAL CONFERENCE


CEA Europe/UK, 英国萨里大学, 中国清华大学





  • 我们诚邀您在2020430日之前提交扩展性摘要(extended abstract250-300 words)。您可发送电子邮件至cea2020conference@gmail.com

  • 我们将在20205月中旬之前通知申请人预审结果。获得邀请的作者,请在2020730日之前提交全文。

  • 优秀的文章我们将推荐到《Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies》或《International Journal of Chinese Culture  and Management》发表。

  • 本次会议参会费为200欧元,博士生研究生的费用为50欧元(其中包括CEA一年会员资格,订阅四期《International Journal of Chinese Culture and  Management》)。

  • 会议期间,我们将主办博士生论坛(PhD Forum,由资深学者主持。想参与博士生论坛的作者,请在邮件标题上添加"PhDForum"字样。

  • 大会主席

熊榆,英国诺森比亚大学教授,CEA Europe/UK 候任主席、重庆大学英国校友会会长

  • 大会联席主席


  • 组委会联席主席


  • 组委会顾问


  • 组委会委员















全英中国经济学会(CEA英国)于1988年成立,自此成为英国推动中国研究的国际领先学术组织之一。CEA的历年会议吸引了来自全球的高水平学术机构,政府组织,产业界,银行界,以及中英媒体界的广泛关注。与会的着名演讲者有中英两国政府高级官员,中国驻英大使,以及包括诺贝尔经济学奖获得者在内的国际知名学术界人士。CEA会议的论文发表在世界领先的经济学和商学期刊书籍上,以及CEA(英国)官方期刊TaylorFrancis公司出版的《International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management》上。自2001年以来,CEA(英国)会各在英国和中国的一所著名学府举办年度平行会议



The 12th CEA (Europe) and 31st CEA (UK) ANNUAL CONFERENCE



China’s Deepened Reform and Openness:

Technology, Growth, and Sustainability



Date: 5th and 6th September 2020

Venue: University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom




Following nearly 40 years of reform the Chinese economy has transformed inalmost every aspect. It has gone from being one of the most closed and isolated economies in the world of little relevance to the global economy and become both highly globalised and the world’s second biggest economy. In April 2018, the State Council of China has announced the decision of building up ‘a new pattern of higher-level reform and opening up’ to explore the achievement of ‘higher quality, more efficient, more equitable, and more sustainable development’ . While in the past 6 years, China’s GDP has reached a new highrecord from 54 trillion to 100 trillion yuan.

A nexus of economy, technology and sustainability thus is developed in China while the country is further deepening the reform and openness. This also leads to the restructuring of the global economy. The economic paradigm, both in China and in the globe, is now shifting from the simple mass production of standardized goods (productivity expansion) into a focus on higher inputs of capital, less environmental impact, greener usage and re-usage of resource(productivity enhancement).

In search of well-founded answers to the micro and macro issues concerningthe technology, growth, and sustainability of China’s development, andespecially the “China’s Deepened Reform and Openness” , the main theme of the 31th Annual Conference of CEA (UK).

Submissions of theoretical and empirical studies are welcome. Topics covered may include but are not limited to

- Model for economic growth and sustainable innovation

- Relationship between technology and sustainability

- Nexus among economy, technology and sustainability

- Reform policy and opening up

- New technology revolution and impact on economy and society

- New economic paradigm in the emergence of technology revolution

- Inequity issue, environmental sustainability and economic growth

- China and the Middle-income trap

- AI and IoT in the context of China’s economy

- Global Sustainable Goals

- Blockchain and Economic Impacts

- Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth

- Epidemic, Crisis Governance and Economic Impacts


The best papers of the conference will be published in special issues ofthe Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies.


The title page (author(s) info) & extended abstracts (250-500 words)should be sent to cea2020conference@gmail.com by 13:00 (UK time) 30th April, 2020.

You will be informed within two weeks whether your paper can be accepted. You will be expected to provide the full paper by 13:00 (UK time) 30th of July 2020.


Conference fee is €200; PhD student concessional fee is €50. The conferencefee includes one-year membership of CEA and four issues of the Journal ofChinese Economic and Business Studies. Chinese students studying in the UK and continental Europe are particularly encouraged to submit their papers and participate in the conference.

PhD Forum

A PhD session will be organised by a number of senior academics to provide feedback to PhD researchers. Authors who would to have their papers considered by this forum may put “PhD Forum” in the subject line.

Conference Chair

Prof. Yu Xiong, President-Elect, Chinese Economic Association Europe/UK

Conference Co-Chair

Prof. Jizhen Li, Tsinghua University, China

Program Co-Chair

Dr. Senmao Xia, Coventry University, UK

Advisor to Organisation Committee

Prof. Sang-Bing Tsai,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Program Committee members

Prof. Xi Wang, Central University of Finance andEconomics, China

Dr. Si Zhang, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Hongbing Shen, Chongqing Technology and Business University, China

Prof. Xiaoduo Qian, Chongqing Normal University, China

Dr. Jiamin Liang, Northumbria University, UK

Mr. Zhaoxing Wang, Coventry University, UK

Dr. Yimeng Li, University of East Anglia, UK

Miss. Jingzhu Chen, University College London, UK

Mr. Penghao Ye, Northumbria University, UK

Background information aboutCEA

CEA (Europe)

Chinese Economic Association(Europe), CEA (Europe) was launched on 17th of December, 2008 in Oslo. The new association was intended as a major expansion of activities by the CEA (UK) andwas established as an independent academic organization in association with theCEA (UK). The main objective of the CEA (Europe) is to promote scholarly exchanges and encourage academic leadership associated with the Chinese economic and business studies in Europe. Since the establishment of the CEA(Europe), five annual conferences in association with the CEA (UK) have been held in various locations in Europe starting with its inaugural conference in 2009 in Dublin, Ireland.


The CEA (UK) was launched in 1988 and has since become one of the leading organisations in the UK promoting research on China.Its past annual conferences have attracted wide-ranging attention from academic institutions, government organisations, banks and industries, alongside with the media in the UK and China. Prominent speakers have included ministers from the Chinese and British governments, the Chinese ambassadors, and eminent academic figures of international repute including Nobel laureates in economics. Papers from these conferences have been published in leading economics and business journals, in edited books, and in the CEA (UK)’sofficial journal, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, with Taylor& Francis as the publisher. Since 2001, the CEA (UK) has run parallel annual conferences in the UK and in one of the key universities in China.